Over 30 Pakistan designers connected in Glasgow this week to showcase their work to an overall gathering of spectators at Scotland Pakistan Fashion Week. Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, authoritatively opened the event on Saturday wearing an excellent shawl, with the Consul General of Pakistan, Mr Muhammad Rumman Ahmad in attendance.

The event the event is accessible to all individuals interested in fashion and outline, and is renowned within the asian social order.

Over 30 Pakistan designers showcase work in Glasgow at Scotland Pakistan Fashion week

Over the two days, at the Crown Plaza in Glasgow, there were catwalk appears, shows and fashions seminars to feature the vitality of Scottish Pakistani fashion and plan.

Through her steady work, Ruqaya Begum has maintained her daughter to wind up a gynecologist, and her tyke, a main engineer, and moreover looking after her three different adolescents, each one of whom are debilitated. Moreover, when her sibling by marriage kicked the basin, she expected control over the financial obligation of his family.

One of the coordinators of the event, the Director of Operations, Mr Syed Qazzafi, has made it his main objective to bring these genuine stories to the world as he needs individuals to know the persevering work and dedication of individuals like Ruqaya without whom there would be no fashion industry. He sees that they are missed the mark on for their work and never get any credit on the fashion imprints, catalogs or the catwalks.

He is determined to change that and to give these women both the international affirmation they justify and the financial remuneration.

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